Lawn Care Provider
Daniel Mayhle
Phone: 865-258-2052
Mowing will be done on Thursday, unless it is a holiday or there is rain or draught.
CCHOA requests routine lawn maintenance for the following areas:
The Mowing Service shall consist of:
Mowing front and back yards (fenced in back yards not included), all common areas, and pool area
Edge and trim all areas including: all units, driveways, curbs, fencing, mulched common area beds, and pool area
Blowing off all roadways, driveways, porches, and sidewalks to remove debris
Weeds growing in cracks in concreted areas will be sprayed with weed killer in common areas
Contractor agrees to use small mowers on front lawns of units.
Service to be provided weekly unless customer determines otherwise. (i.e. drought conditions).
Weekly service will be prompt and completed in one day.
Contractor prefers to mow on Thursdays or Fridays. Customer’s preference will determine actual day for mowing service.
Landscape services shall consist of:
Trim or prune all shrubs in common areas and remove debris late spring and fall
Re-mulch existing mulch beds in common areas using premium mulch
Leaf removal in common areas
Leaf pick up for homeowners that rake their leaves to the curb in piles
Monthly trim tree line behind Denmark and pool area – 8 times during the mowing season
Fertilize and weed-control of lawn in common areas
CCHOA does not perform routine lawn maintenance or services for:
1. Pest control / termite control for homeowner’s unit
2. Fertilizer/weed control of homeowner’s yard
3. Trimming trees and bushes located on homeowner’s property
4. Maintaining homeowner’s personal flower beds or gardens
5. Mowing inside of fenced-in back yards
Some Neighborly Tips:
Lawns: Thanks to all the homeowners who keep your lawns and flowerbeds neat and tidy!
Dogs: Lawns with dog mess will not be mowed. If, after 1 warning for dog mess, you have not cleaned your lawn, you may be fined up to $100.00 for each incident.
Flowerbeds: If you have a flowerbed you cannot or no longer wish to maintain, please remove the bed so the area can be mowed. If, after 1 warning for overgrown flowerbeds, you have not cleaned out your flowerbeds, you may be fined up to $100.00 for each incident.
Ivy: Weeds or ivy growing on your railing or up a wall can damage the wall, railing, or the roof and the Association is NOT responsible for repairing or replacing damages caused by homeowner negligence.
Trees & Shrubs: Chips Crossing is also not responsible for trees or shrubs on your property that cause damage to units.